Monday, June 27, 2011

A student at the University of Electro-Communications demonstrates the use of "Sense-roid" at the annual Virtual Reality Expo in Tokyo - AFP
A student at the University of Electro-Communications demonstrates the use of "Sense-roid" at the annual Virtual Reality Expo in Tokyo - AFP
Japanese inventors have pushed the frontiers of technology with the ultimate companion for lonely singles - a wired torso-shaped device that you can hug and that hugs you back.
The 'Sense-Roid' looks like a tailor's mannequin with silicon skin and is packed with pressure sensors. It is connected to a jacket worn by the human user that replicates the embrace with the help of air compressors.
The illusion of a mutual hug with the half-humanoid is enhanced by artificial muscles and vibrating devices in the 'tactile jacket', say the inventors from the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo.
"Many people initially feel surprised and uncomfortable about the unusual experience, but they gradually get accustomed to it until they feel comfortable and pleasant," said research team member Nobuhiro Takahashi.
"Usually people feel nothing, or they even feel bad, when they hug strangers, but they experience feelings of satisfaction, love and comfort when they hug a boyfriend or girlfriend," Takahashi said.
"We wondered how humans would feel if they could hug themselves."
He added that the device could be used in medical therapy and to give comfort to elderly people living alone. However, there were no immediate plans to put the gadget into commercial production.
The Sense-Roid is on display at the 3D & Virtual Reality Expo that kicked off in Tokyo on Wednesday.

Did tech-savvy aliens appear above BBC building to grab coverage!

A video that was shot from below the BBC building in London showing ‘white dots’ whizzing across the sky, assumed to be UFOs, has created much excitement all over the UK.
People were left wondering if aliens are getting less camera shy and are embracing the paparazzi, reports the Daily Mail.
A whole crowd gathered to watch as three fast-moving white dots streaked across the London skyline, being quickly followed by two similar sized white dots.
After the five white dots whizzed pass, one larger brighter disc-shaped white object, supposedly the mother UFO was spotted moving around slowly in the sky.
The ‘alien visit’ has attracted different opinions, with one set of people saying that the video could be the work of one of London’s many production houses having the expertise and facilities to mock up a convincing video.
However, the person who circulated the footage on YouTube wrote in order to circumvent the cynical naysayers: “If you believe it's easy photo-shopped why don't you make a video and show us all.”

Police halt Google 'Street View' project in India

Police halt Google 'Street View' project in India
Police in the Indian city of Bangalore have ordered Google to stop taking images of the city for its 'Street View' project pending talks with authorities, a company spokesperson said on Tuesday.
Google launched the project in India last month aiming to collect panoramic images of the vast country ranging from its palaces to its slums.
"We received a letter from Bangalore's commissioner of police and are reviewing it. We will not be collecting any more images for Street View until we speak to the police," a Google spokeswoman said.
"We expect to have any issues sorted out soon," she added.
The internet giant launched its 360-degree photographic mapping service amid much fanfare in the technology hub of Bangalore, mounting special cameras on cars and tricycles to collect images.
Street View, which operates in more than 25 countries, has proved hugely popular with users since its launch in the United States in 2007, but it has also run into trouble with several governments concerned about privacy.
In March, France's data privacy regulator imposed a record fine of 100,000 euros ($143,500) on Google for collecting private information while compiling photographs for the project.
Last month the company said it would appeal against a Swiss ruling ordering it to ensure that all people and cars pictured on Street View were unrecognisable.
Google has also agreed to delete private emails and passwords mistakenly picked up from wireless networks in Britain by its Street View cars.

Google now supports five more Indian languages

Internet search engine giant Google on Tuesday announced the expansion of its translation services to include five more Indian languages, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu thus increasing its reach to a potential half a million population.
"Beginning today, you can explore the linguistic diversity of the Indian sub-continent with Google translate, which now supports five new experimental alpha languages: Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu," said Ashish Venugopal, research scientist at Google.
"In India and Bangladesh alone, more than 500 million people speak these five languages. Since 2009, we've launched a total of 11 alpha languages, bringing the current number of languages supported by Google Translate to 63," he wrote in a Google Blog.
Venugopal said one can expect translations for these new alpha languages to be less fluent and include many more untranslated words than some of the more mature languages, like Spanish or Chinese which have much more of the web content that powers its statistical machine translation approach.
"Despite these challenges, we release alpha languages when we believe that they help people better access the multilingual web. If you notice incorrect or missing translations for any of our languages, please correct us; we enjoy learning from our mistakes and your feedback helps us graduate new languages from alpha status," the Google research scientist said.
"Since these languages each have their own unique scripts, we have enabled a transliterated input method for those of you without Indian language keyboards," he said and hoped that the launch of these new alpha languages will help one better understand the Indic (Indo-Aryan languages) web and encourage the publication of new content in Indic languages, taking Google five alpha steps closer to a web without language barriers.

Brit teen behind hacking attacks on CIA, Sony, US Senate website arrested

Brit teen behind hacking attacks on CIA, Sony, US Senate website arrested
A 19-year-old British man suspected of masterminding computer hacking attacks on the CIA, the US Senate and Sony from his bedroom, has been arrested.
Ryan Cleary was arrested at his family’s home in Essex after a joint inquiry conducted by Scotland Yard and the FBI, the Daily Mail reports.
He was held hours after the UK’s serious crime unit came under online siege from the hacking group known as LulzSec.
Ryan, described as a loner who ‘lives his life online’, faces the prospect of extradition to the US where he could face 60 years behind bars for allegedly hacking into the CIA and Senate websites.
Ryan’s mother said her son suffers from agoraphobia and attention deficit disorder and had not left his home for four years.
She said he rarely left his bedroom, which consisted of a computer with two monitors, a cooling unit, a broken TV, and a double bed.
Detectives believe he is a ‘major player’ with LulzSec, which has been linked to recent attacks on games firm Sony in which details and passwords of millions of users were accessed.

Man charged with cruelty after 'swallowing rat' on Facebook

A man in the US state of Utah has been charged with animal cruelty after he allegedly ate a live baby rat and posted the video on Facebook, a news report said.
In the video, Andy Ray Harris, 31, from Tooele, Utah, appears to put a tiny, hairless rat in his mouth, before chewing and swallowing it. The video appears to show a small rodent, two to three inches long, lying on top of a notepad.
In fact, Harris picks up the creature, puts it in his mouth, chews and takes a drink through a straw in a giant mug, the 'Daily Mail' reported.
He was charged with the offence in April after police were alerted to the footage online by charity People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
PETA's Martin Mersereau said the organisation received complaints from horrified viewers about the video in March.
Authorities say they recognised the man in the video as Harris as he had previously been known to police in relation to other incidents. Harris pleaded not guilty to the charges of aggravated animal abuse during a brief hearing before Judge Robert Adkins.
He made no comment when leaving court. A pre-trial conference has been scheduled for July 19

Smartphone app to help locate friend in crowd

Can a smartphone app enable meaningful, face-to-face conversation? Engineers are trying to figure it out with a software that helps people locate their friends in a crowd - and make new friends sharing similar interests.
For instance, at a business meeting, the software could remind a user of a forgotten acquaintance's name, or help him make new professional contacts in the same area of research.
Dong Xuan, associate professor of computer science and engineering at Ohio State University, said: "Today, online social networking has advanced dramatically, but our ability to meet people face-to-face hasn't gotten any easier."
Called eShadow, the software uses nearby wireless networks and smartphones' wireless communication technologies to alert users that a friend who also uses the software is in the area and gives directions to that friend's location, according to a Ohio statement.
"We want eShadow to close social gaps and connect people in meaningful ways while keeping the technology non-intrusive and protecting privacy," said Xuan, who led the project.
As to users' safety, Xuan feels that, at least for some situations, meeting someone in person is safer than meeting them online.
"Online, people can steal others' identity, or lie easily without detection. It's much harder to pull off a masquerade in person," he said.
The name eShadow comes from the idea that users input their interests into the software, and their smartphone broadcasts those interests to certain other users of the software - but only within 50 yards of the phone. So as users move, the broadcast follows them around like a shadow.
In outdoor tests, they measured how fast the software could detect users who were 20, 30, and 50 yards apart. They tested different numbers of users, from two to seven.
In all cases, the software was able to connect people within about half a minute - an average of 25 seconds for two users, and 35 seconds for seven.
Xuan noted that eShadow's algorithms could be useful beyond socialising. Soldiers could use something akin to eShadow to locate each other on the battlefield.
These findings were presented at the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS) Thursday in Minneapolis.

Twitter, Facebook postings can kill dreams of landing your dream job

Getting selected for that dream job has just got tougher, as companies are now scouring Facebook and Twitter accounts to know an applicant’s personal details before hiring.
As Internet search technology grows more sophisticated, surviving a background check is going to get even harder. Employers are now scanning social networking sites like they never did before.
Explicit posts suggesting a person likes racist joke, is fond of too much booze or is a bit too fond of guns, could become grounds for an employer to reject a job applicant.
The Federal Trade Commission has given its approval for Social Intelligence Corp. to sell these reports to employers and the file will last for seven long years.
“You can be deemed a bad apple by association. Are all your friends gay, rich, poor? Do they all live in California or New York or Kansas? What are your hobbies? Do they look expensive or entail high risk?” ABC News quoted Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum as saying.
Dixon also warned that the chance of getting that dream job depends on the would-be employer's predilections.
The employer's decision not to hire a potential employee may be ethically outrageous but its legal.
“It's kind of scary,” says Tena Friery, research director for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
“We know social networking sites can be hacked, that someone can post something under someone else's name. What happens if somebody wants to sabotage a job applicant? And would the potential employee even know it was taking place?”

E-chat lands IIT graduate in trouble

An IIT Kanpur graduate, working as an engineer in a multinational firm in Gurgaon, has knocked the doors of the Delhi High Court seeking protection from his online friend –– a woman research associate with IIT, Mumbai –– who allegedly subjected him to emotional blackmail.
After hearing the plea of Mr Subhash (name changed), Justice Suresh Kait has issued summons to the woman to appear in his court on Monday.
In his plea, Subhash told the court that he befriended the girl on Internet last August and began chatting with her.
The duration of the chat gradually grew longer and often ended late into the night. Mr Subhash said as the friendship grew, she insisted upon meeting him and came over to Delhi.
“After meeting me, she began pressing for marriage despite being at least five to six years older to me,” 25-year-old Mr Subhash said.
Mr Subhash submitted that when he refused to marry her, she began sending him threatening mails and SMSes saying she would commit suicide.

Facebook overtakes Microsoft in UK

Facebook overtook Microsoft websites in Britain for the first time last month, becoming the UK's second-most popular after Google as people aged over 50 flocked to social networks, online measurement body UKOM/Nielsen said.
Facebook attracted a record 26.8 million visitors in Britain in May, up 7 percent year on year, beating the 26.2 million who visited Microsoft's MSN/WindowsLive/Bing sites combined, the organisation said on Monday. Google had 33.9 million.
Twitter's UK audience jumped by a third to 6.1 million, after thousands of users retweeted allegations of celebrity scandals in defiance of gagging orders, including an extra-marital affair by Manchester United soccer star Ryan Giggs.
UKOM/Nielsen said the number of women pensioners visiting the site doubled after "Giggsgate".
"The growth in audiences to these social networks is now primarily being driven by the 50-plus age group. Just a few years ago, this group may have found itself out of place on these sites," UKOM general manager James Smythe said.
He said over-50 year-olds accounted for more new adults visiting Facebook in the last two years than under-50s, resulting in an age profile far more closely reflecting that of the UK online population as a whole than previously.
Older age groups were also more likely to visit Twitter than in the past, but under-18s were less likely to visit the site than two years ago -- which was not the case for Facebook.
Business network LinkedIn, whose market value has risen 58 percent to $6.65 billion since its New York stock market debut last month, registered 3.6 million UK visitors in May, up 57 percent from a year earlier.
Elsewhere, Facebook attracted 140 million visitors in the United States, up 12 percent. In Spain its numbers were up 7 percent, in France 18 percent, in Italy 26 percent and in Germany 72 percent.
Twitter's visitor numbers rose 22 percent in the United States, 48 percent in France, 58 percent in Italy and more than doubled in Spain. But in Germany they fell by 11 percent.
UKOM/Nielsen monitored the online behaviour of about 50,000 people in Britain and similar numbers in the other countries. The panel was recruited both online and offline.


Bamboozle from Parker Brothers is a delicious union of an instant word builder and Password. This hybrid involves two teams racing to make five words, each starting with random letters. Both teams work on an identical set of letters, and stop their timers the moment they’re done!
Never buy an extravagantly-priced game that requires two AAA size batteries. They’re never in the set when you need them. And don’t even get me started on the likelihood of a star screw driver readily at hand to open the battery compartment! While the LED displays and electronic timers add a certain game-show urgency to the moment, the game works just fine without. There’s a solid two-stage idea at play here. First, two teams scramble to come up with words starting with the same five letters. Second, the teams exchange their word lists, and now have to clue/guess the words.
Aditya brought the game over to Neha’s place. It was an open piece. The scoring pegs missing. The batteries clearly also missing. The man was clueless, and hadn’t bothered to learn how the game worked. If only they’d read the rules, they’d have been charmed with an elegantly simple word game, which promises hours of enjoyable play.
After rattling cubes in the shaker, you tip five cubes into view. The letters facing up are the start letters for the round. Place the shaker in the double timer unit. And start scribbling. There are no extra points for long words. The trick here is to get your words done as quickly as you can. The time you take, is the time the opposition now has, to guess the words on your list. One of the opposition team members clues the other team members. Every word guessed right, moves you ahead on the pegged scoring track!
Bamboozle is a cleverly put together well-finished game, built on a terrific two-staged idea. Understand the game, and you can play it with alphabet flash cards, scrabble counters, or Boggle cubes. Parker Brothers won’t like this. But hybrids are still a little out of reach!
The author may be contacted at

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Facebook to launch mobile phone

London: After reaching heights of success, Facebook is now out with its phone for millions of users. A mobile phone manufacturer is set to launch the first Facebook phone.

INQ Mobile Friday revealed two new Android smartphones for the UK market that are designed expressly for 18/28-year-old Facebook users - the INQ Cloud Touch and the INQ Cloud Q.
Working closely with the team behind Facebook, London-based INQ has given the home screen a visual feed that lets users quickly access updates, pictures, videos, and other Facebook content, the Daily Mail reports.
The phones provide quick links to all the popular Facebook features, including chat, messages, wall postings and notifications.
Facebook messages and instant online chat facilities are what today's generation now uses for communication.
Facebook Events replaces the traditional diary and lets people schedule events and sync these with Google Calendar, and instead of an address book there is simply a 'friend list'.
"Writing on a [Facebook] wall is as easy as sending text messages," says INQ's co-founder Ken Johnstone.
Facebook Places is accessible directly from the homescreen, giving people the ability to use the feature to check in at stores, restaurants, clubs, and other spots.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New BlackBerry video touts its tablet as better than iPad

To build upon the hype already surrounding its soon-to-be-released PlayBook, BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM) Tuesday unveiled another video to project its tablet as better than Apple’s iPad.
The Canadian wireless giant released the new video about the capabilities of its tablet just before the opening of the 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas Thursday.
Giving a sneak peak at PlayBook, the new 3 minute and 18 second video highlights the multimedia capabilities of its Web browser. Taking viewers quickly through various websites, it highlights how versatile its browser is.
But more importantly, the BlackBerry maker is using the new video to score points over Apple’s iPad by highlighting how its tablet browser is built on open Web standards and thus supports Flash which Apple’s iPad does not.
It means PlayBook users will be able to fully access YouTube and Facebook whereas iPad users cannot access full versions of these popular sites.
PlayBook uses a new software platform built by QNX Software Systems. RIM bought Ottawa—based QNX Software Systems for $200 million in April to have exclusive access to its software technology for its tablet.
The new video demonstrates how PlayBook users can send instant messages on Facebook Chat and play Flash—based games inside Facebook - which is not possible for iPad users.
With 2011 set to become the year of the tablet, Motorola, Microsoft, Dell, Samsung and HP will also likely unveil their tablet plan at the four-day electronics show opening January 6.
PlayBook, which was unveiled in September, will be launched in the U.S. market by the end of March. It measures seven inches against the 9.7-inch iPad.
Interestingly, BlackBerry bosses were forced to unveil their tablet so early before its launch because of Apple boss Steve Jobs’ dismissal of it as “too small” in September.
“The 10-inch screen size is the minimum required to have great tablet apps. We don’t think you can make a great tablet with a seven-inch screen. We think it’s too small to express the software that people want to put on these things,” Steve Jobs had taunted the BlackBerry maker.
RIM has already announced to sell PlayBook below $500 to undercut sales of iPad which has sold more than seven million units since its launch in April.

Verizon reveals first 4G wireless tablets, phones

This year, the big national wireless carriers will be racing to stake their claims in the new frontier of service, ultra-fast data access, for smart phones and laptops as well as for gadgets like tablets.
The companies are boosting their wireless data speeds and revving up the marketing hype. They’re moving away from talking about call quality and coverage, and focusing on data speeds, megabits in place of minutes. For consumers, there are benefits in the form of faster service and cooler gadgets. Yet some of the marketing campaigns seem designed to confuse consumers about the gadgets’ speed.
At the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this week, Verizon Wireless revealed the 10 gadgets with built-in access to its new high-speed wireless data network, including smartphones, tablet and laptops. Some are to launch as early as March.
Along with Sprint Nextel Corp.’s subsidiary Clearwire Corp., Verizon is at the forefront of the move to a new network technology, designed to relay data rather than calls. Verizon’s fourth-generation, or “4G” network, went live for laptop modems in last month.
The new wireless network is the nation’s fastest. Verizon is hoping to cash in on that advantage by selling tablets and smartphones that devour data.
One of the devices, Motorola Mobility Inc.’s Xoom tablet, will come with a 10.1-inch (25.65 centimetre) screen and two cameras - one for video chatting, the other for high-definition videos. The Xoom will begin selling by March. Initially, it will work with Verizon’s 3G network but will be upgradeable to work on the speedier 4G network.
Motorola’s Droid Bionic smartphone will also have two cameras, to help with videoconferencing, a data-hungry task. It will be one of the first phones with a so-called “dual-core processor” that will roughly double its computing capacity. That should help with video processing.
LG Electronics Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. and HTC Corp. are bringing out similar phones for the network. Hewlett-Packard Co. is adding 4G capability to a laptop and a netbook.
There will also be two “mobile hotspot” devices for the network - small battery-powered bricks that act as Wi-Fi access points, connecting Wi-Fi-equipped computers to the 4G network.
Verizon didn’t reveal what the new devices or wireless plans will cost.
Verizon , by number of subscribers, is the largest U.S. wireless carrier, and the quality of its network are helping it gain traction with manufacturers.
“By deciding to go early and go first to (4G), we sent a signal to the entire consumer electronics market that this technology would develop very quickly,” said Lowell McAdam, Verizon’s president and chief operating officer, in a keynote address at the trade show Thursday.
There’s speculation that Verizon will get to sell a version of Apple Inc.’s iPhone this year. That would break AT&T Inc.’s exclusive hold on the most popular smartphone. But there was no talk of an iPhone from Verizon at Thursday’s events.
With or without the iPhone, Verizon’s new network is pressuring its competitors to step up their offerings. AT&T Inc. on Wednesday said it’s on track to launch its own 4G network this summer. Also, it said it will start calling its current 3G network “4G,” since it’s been upgraded to be capable of nearly 4G speeds.
T-Mobile USA said Thursday that it will upgrade its 3G network to double the possible download speeds in two-thirds of its coverage area. It started calling the network “4G” in ads last fall. It, too, revealed two tablets for its network, to launch later this year.
Sprint and Clearwire have chosen a slightly different route to 4G. They’ve picked a 4G technology called WiMax that was ready before Long Term Evolution, or LTE, which Verizon is using.
Now, however, WiMax looks set to be a niche technology, while the rest of the industry adopts LTE. That will hamper Sprint’s efforts to get competitive devices for the network. Still, it was able to launch its first 4G phone last summer, ahead of the competition. On Wednesday, it announced it would be the first to carry a 4G tablet computer from Research In Motion Ltd., the maker of the BlackBerry, some time this summer.
The most distinctive feature of 4G technologies like LTE and WiMax is that they’re designed to carry data rather than phone calls. That makes them more efficient at serving today’s smartphones, tablets and other gadgets that need data access on the go. It also makes the networks cheaper to build out and manage.
They’re faster than today’s 3G networks, though not by much, which makes T-Mobile and AT&T feel justified in calling their upgraded 3G networks “4G.” After all, they say, speed is what really matters to users.
Aside from the bump in speed, the main reason the LTE buildouts of Verizon Wireless and AT&T significant is that they add fresh spectrum to the nation’s wireless networks. That means more capacity for the growing number of mobile gadgets.
Also, both companies are using spectrum that was previously used for UHF TV channels, a prime piece of the airwaves. It can cover wide areas easily and penetrate deep into buildings. (Clearwire’s WiMax network uses a frequency that has shorter range and more difficulty penetrating buildings.)
Future upgrades can further boost the speed of wireless networks. But at some point, they will run out of room for improvement. There’s a theoretical limit for how much information a certain slice of the airwaves can carry. When that happens, there will still be two ways to add capacity to wireless broadband.
The government can assign more spectrum, perhaps by taking it from TV stations. But spectrum, too, will run out. The carriers can add more cell towers, but that’s expensive and difficult. They can’t put cell towers everywhere they’d like.
Given these limiting factors, wireless broadband isn’t likely to ever replace wireline connections for home broadband, except possibly in rural areas where it’s expensive to draw cables for high-speed connections to homes.
The U.S. is at the forefront in the international race to LTE. Verizon’s buildout is the world’s largest. The U.S. was faster than most other countries in taking back airwaves from TV stations and selling it off for wireless broadband.
Another reason Verizon has been aggressive about LTE is that its 3G network uses a technology that isn’t upgradable to higher speeds as AT&T’s and T-Mobile’s are. That’s left it with a burning need for the next network technology.
Verizon Wireless is a joint venture of Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC of Britain. Motorola Mobility Inc. was formed this week as Motorola Inc. split into two parts. The Mobility consists of the cell phone business.

Beware, your face says it all

The day is not far off when anyone can find out everything about you with the help of just a snapshot. The technology is still in the nascent stage, but artificial intelligence applied to face recognition may change the Internet and our lives
Let's say you see this pretty face in a crowd, in a newspaper or a magazine, and want to know more about who the person is. You scan her image, crop it to just her face, go to a visual search engine and hit ‘Enter'.
Within seconds, you know everything about her. You get more pictures of her, some of them from her Facebook account and almost instantly, you've put a name to her face.
Does this excite you or scare you?
If you've been using Picasa or Facebook over the last few months, you would've realised how Picasa automatically identifies faces and asks you to tag them. If you've been using digital cameras, you would know how the machine knows to identify a human in the frame and throws just the right amount of light.
Artificial intelligence applied to face recognition may just change the Internet and the way we live our lives, as the day is not far off when anyone can find out everything about you with the help of just a snapshot.
So where exactly has technology reached with face recognition and visual search?
Ok, you can breathe. It is still in a very nascent stage and there's nothing to be alarmed about at the moment. But yes, you had better start worrying and we had better have some laws protecting privacy in place before it's too late.
Google's own Image search engine still continues to search for images primarily on the basis of keywords and the advanced options include further refining them on the basis of colour, size and format. So if your pictures are tagged by your name, it should be pretty easy for anyone to find your photographs on any social networking site or blog.
Visual search engines
There are a few beta visual search engines such as IdeeInc and Pictriev that have been toying with their face recognition applications. When we ran a few tests, this is what we found.
IdeeInc uses its Pixilimar technology and its “sophisticated algorithms” to let you find images on the basis of “colour, shape, texture, luminosity, complexity, objects and regions”. See Picture 1 to see what results it returns when we scanned an image of Shah Rukh Khan. The images are certainly of the same colour and texture and also seemed to identify elements in the picture (like the skies from our test picture) but fails to recognise the face known by millions.
Pictriev actually surprised us a lot more. It could identify Shah Rukh Khan from at least a few other pictures from other websites and films from the Internet. But to see how far it is from accuracy, take a look at Picture 2 in the box. Pictriev suggests that you upload a photograph of the frontal face, with at least an 80 pixel wide gap between the eyes.
So what are the biggest obstacles for facial image search?
As Vasan Sowriraja, who has been working on face recognition for developing Humecons, (emoticons with your own image), observes, “Lighting is not a constant, the angle with which people take pictures is never the same and people have different expressions. Most of facial recognition is done on the basis of retina identification but the logistics are such that Facial Image Search is going to become a field of its own. With people taking high-resolution pictures, mining for images is becoming expensive because you have to search from millions of high-resolution images. Imagine, if every image is 2 MB and the results have to be given in a few seconds… it's almost impossible now.”
Photographer G. Venket Ram has a more basic answer. “It's impossible for people to look the same when you are clicking pictures impromptu with friends, say, at a beach or a party... Every time, in terms of light and mood, the face changes. Not just in terms of time, in terms of expression… be it a smile, a frown or a grin… it keeps changing. I've known so many shots where people can't even recognise well-known actors because of the make-up, the hair and even the clothes. Women, especially, can look drastically different. Look at any model's portfolio. That's the magic of a makeover.”

CES may trigger chronic smartphone envy

You may absolutely love that sleek and shiny smartphone in your pocket, but a visit to this week’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas would lead you to the inevitable conclusion that it’s about to get old very quickly.
You probably don’t know what processor your phone has, and why should you? But the newest phones from the likes of Motorola and LG boast two processors apiece, so they can run twice as fast as the swiftest phones currently available.
Maybe, this is time for a warning: if you don’t want a chronic case of smartphone envy, maybe it’s best to stop reading. And if you continue, please try not to drool in public.
FYI, Motorola’s Atrix 4G runs on Nvidia’s dualcore Tegra chip, offering 2Ghz of power and 1GB of RAM, allowed the company to claim that it’s “the world most powerful smartphone.” It’s not just all brawn, however. Running on the latest version of Google’s Android operating system, the Atrix is designed to work with various accessories like a docking station, which turns it into a virtual laptop.
Prior to the start of CES, Motorola had generated plenty of hype around its forthcoming iPad competitor, the Xoom. But company chief executive Sanjay Jha tried to put things in perspective in his keynote address, reminding his audience that the smartphone will play a more important role in the lives of consumers.
“The most compelling device fits in your pocket,” he said, predicting that there will be roughly four to five smartphones launched for every tablet released.
Motorola’s claims of cellphone supremacy might be contested by fans of the iPhone.
But South Korean phone maker LG might also be a little argumentative. The LG Optimus 2X also boasts the Tegra 2 chip and offers consumers the delights of an 8 megapixel camera, a 1.3- megapixel front-facing camera for video calls, a 4-inch WVGA screen, 8GB of internal memory (up to 32GB with microSD), an HDMI connection so it can be hooked up to a monitor, an accelerometer, a gyro sensor, and 1080p video playback and recording.
The phone can also handle Flash technology, and is reportedly beefy enough to run console-quality games.
If those are the smartest smartphones, Samsung’s Infuse 4G may be the prettiest. Boasting an impressively bright and large AMOLED screen, Samsung says the device is the thinnest smartphone ever.
U.S. television maker Vizio is another company planning to unleash the power of the smartphone. Best known for its value-priced HDTVs, that could soon be changing as the company introduces a line of tablets and smartphones.
The Android via smartphone doubles as a remote control for most TVs and works with the OnLive gaming system, which can turn the device into a high-powered video game console.
Qualcomm is best known for making much of the technology that goes inside smartphones. But it’s using CES to push a consumer-facing app called Skifta, which allows people to use their phones to stream their music, photos and videos over any connected device via a WiFi network.
“Skifta combines the mobility and WiFi connectivity of the smartphone to create a personal global remote for music, videos and photos without having to worry about where they are stored,” Qualcomm executive Ed Smith explained.
The plethora of sexy smartphones was enough to make most visitors to CES oblivious to the absence of Apple, which years ago decided that the mass scrum of the largest tech trade show in the U.S. did not suit its exclusive image.
The hundreds of Android smartphones on display fostered the feeling that Apple’s iPhone no longer has exclusive rights to the future of the genre, and this was backed up by the latest sales figures released Thursday.
According to Comscore, more Americans are now using Android smartphones than Apple’s iPhone, for the first time ever.
“Think of where this momentum of CES is taking Android — up, up, up, up, up and above the competition,” crowed a blogger on the Phandroid website. “I think 2011 is going to be another amazingly fun and successful year for Android.”

Now, a software to estimate construction cost

Atlas calculates quantities from CAD drawings and provides cost estimate and material requirements
The country's vibrant construction industry has adopted software for various purposes, from design to project management, and the use has increased in recent years.
Software solutions are now available in different price segments, and some of the major construction firms have developed in-house products too.
Drawing is an activity that makes a wide use of software tools. There are products that can be used not only for designing but also for some estimation purposes by reading the drawing.
In-house deployment
Warmbluke, a Coimbatore company, has developed Atlas, an estimator software. Warmbluke provides in-house deployment for large enterprises, and the product is available on the cloud too, to cater to those who want the pay-as-you-use system.
It calculates the quantities directly from CAD drawings and provides cost estimation and material requirements for the entire project.
In the case of drawings that have not used layers or objects, the user has to perform a minimal mapping by selecting a portion of the drawing, and it can provide the quantification. For drawing revisions, the quantity estimate of the older version will be transferred to the current working version of the drawing with the changes.
Gireesh Subramaniam of Warmbluke says that since customisation of the software is important, especially for material estimate for these finishes, the component library in the product can also be modified. New components can be added to it according to the materials used.
“One of the reasons why we went in for the Open Source platform is that we wanted this to be a network software that is platform-independent,” he adds.

German astronomers spot long-lost chunk of battered proto-planet

German astronomers have discovered a long-sought missing chunk of matter from one of the solar system’s more mysterious objects, the proto-planet Vesta, they announced Friday.
They trained telescopes on an asteroid known as 1999 TA10 and managed to assess its unique chemical makeup. The asteroid, which is one to two kilometres in diameter, comes within a few million kilometres of earth during its orbit.
The chemical make-up, with extraordinarily low levels of iron and a high concentration of wollastonite and ferrosilite, makes it practically certain that it is the missing chunk of Vesta’s mantle long sought by astronomers.
The discovery was made by scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research at Katlenburg-Lindau in Germany using images from a telescope in Hawaii.
Vesta, discovered two centuries ago, is 525 kilometres in diameter and one of the two biggest objects in the asteroid belt.
It is believed to be the remnant of a proto-planet that was knocked apart in space collisions and never assembled itself into a big globe thanks to gravitational forces, as other planets did 4 billion years ago.
The scientists said in an article in the journal Icarus that it seemed TA10 had been blown off the side of Vesta and had whirled off into space. The theory that Vesta took a big hit has been contested in the past because no fragment of its mantle had ever been found.

Samsung puts 'smart TV' at centre of wireless hub of gadgets

Samsung Electronics is making its new range of high-definition 'smart televisions' the hub of compatible gadgets that can link via wi-fi and allow content to be viewed across different screens. This is part of the company's theme of 'The Smarter Life - Agenda 2011' that makes it possible to connect to 'cloud' computers where a variety of programmes optimised for each screen are stored.
President of Samsung Electronics, B.K.Yoon told the Consumer Electronics Show here on Thursday that the television was set to strengthen its role as the dominant, central force of technology in human lives. The 'smart tv' with its ability to share content from multiple devices and also connect to the Internet was the place where everything was coming together. He highlighted the philosophy of 'human digitalism' that was necessary to embed technology with a human touch.
The best example of this, he said, was the role played by a Samsung Projector Phone as an invaluable tool that helped the trapped Chilean miners overcome fear and boredome during their long ordeal. "We can do more for human life, and people are our priority," he said.
The company's concept is to 'break down the walls' between devices and provide access to applications hosted on a store designed for the smart televisions, two ultra-thin LED series of which were unveiled at CES a day earlier. Samsung will develop the now growing 'cloud-based' services as a gateway to access and share content. As of now, 118 countries access Samsung's applications store, billed as the industry's first for televisions.
The gadgets that can readily link to the wireless hub around the smart television or the company's router are compatible PCs, mobile phones and tablet computers such as the Galaxy Tab. There is, in addition, the capability built into Android devices from the company, to use the interactive features of the high-definition televisions. These include web search and access to social media. The social media features are designed to work with on-demand television, helping the viewer share comments and ratings in real time.
Mr. Yoon said the vision for the smart tv could not be implemented without content partnerships, for which it had partnered with companies such as Comcast and Time Warner Cable, the latter accessible on the Samsung Tab as live television. Dreamworks, the animation giant, is in the network, working on 3D content for the home, its CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg said, commending Samsung's foresight in embarking on this technology and establishing a dominant role for itself worldwide. Adobe is also part of the alliance with Samsung, as its president and CEO, Shantanu Narayen explained during a keynote presentation by Mr. Yoon. The partnership makes it possible for Flash-based content to be accessible across the range of devices - smartphones, tablet computers and television. Adobe's AIR platform which is used to build a variety of software applications will be used to build such applications for television. This development would bring millions of websites with content to these new screens.
The features of the new series of LED televisions and services targeted at the US were highlighted at a media presentation by David Steel, Executive Vice-President of Samsung Electronics North America, Tim Baxter, President of the company's Consumer Business Division, and John Revie, Senior Vice-President.
The product highlights at CES from Samsung included a 10.1 inch notebook computer with a sliding keyboard, the Samsung Sliding PC 7 Series. This computer, powered by the Intel Oak Trail processor platform supports High Definition resolution of 1366 by 768 pixels, has Windows 7 operating system, and can act as a connecting hub with other devices that are certified by the Digital Living Network Allliance. The Nexus S Android phone, an Android media player, a full HD Q 10 camcorder featuring 'switch grip' for left-handed inviduals, the SH100 compact wi-fi enabled camera (which can be remotely zoomed and controlled using an Android Galaxy S smartphone), HMX - H300 series HD family camcorders with 65x zoom, are other gadgets from Samsung on show.

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