Saturday, August 14, 2010

Most iPad owners are "over-achieving selfish elites"

Melbourne, July 28: Dubbing iPad owners as “over-achieving selfish elites,” a new survey has revealed that those who have Apple's "magical device", are six times more likely to be wealthy, highly educated and sophisticated 30-50 year olds who value power and achievement.
The survey of 20,000 people conducted by US consumer research firm MyType also claimed that they are selfish and unkind.
MyType spokesman Tim Koelkebeck gave his unflattering appraisal of iPad owners on the company's blog after the firm released the results of the survey online.
And Koelkebeck said that 96 per cent of iPad's critics don't own an iPad, but are generally independent-minded young people who "shun conformity".
They're also listed in the survey under "Geeks" - people interested in video games, computers, science and the internet.
The study was called "Prevalence of iPad Owners and Critics by Psychographic Segment" and divided the respondents into "iPad Owners" and "iPad Critics".
Among the average population, three per cent would be iPad owners compared to 11 per cent critics.
Among the "Independent Geeks", only four per cent would own Apple's "magical" device, while 33 per cent would be critics.
But when it came to "Selfish Elites", Apple is the brand of choice—only four per cent were willing to criticise the iPad, while 18 per cent owned or planned to buy one.
As for the geeks, iPad-bashing was an identity statement, but the device also had the capacity to divide geeks, said Koelbeck.
A large segment of "mainstream" geeks would actually buy an iPad, he said, whereas the bashers were more of the Linux-using variety.
"Think of them as the original, 'pure' technology geeks, before geekery gained its mainstream appeal," quoted Koelbeck as saying.
"These guys (and some gals) are known for their strong desire to be in control of their gadgets, compelling them to learn code and tinker with hardware.
"They’re impressed by technology breakthroughs and advances in speed, storage, and other quantitative qualities. They love to be on the edge of technology,” he added.
He also has a final harsh truth on what it means to be an independent, iPad-bashing geek.
“As a mainstream, closed-platform device whose major claim to fame is ease of use and sex appeal, the iPad is everything that they are not,” he said.

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