Sunday, October 31, 2010

New LTE tech to revolutionise wireless experience

The new-generation wireless technology called long-term evolution (LTE) is set to revolutionise wireless experience on smart phones or tablets and other mobile devices.
When networks around the world adopt LTE by 2012, it will boost their speeds and capabilities, leading to high-definition streaming of movies, full-screen video chatting and multi-player gaming as fast and good as on the home Internet connection.
Though there are no mobile phones yet that can use this LTE technology, Samsung is soon coming out with its Craft LTE mobile phone to take advantage of the new technology, according to reports.
When this new revolutionary technology goes mainstream it will provide a wireless Internet experience that's equivalent to a home Internet experience, PC Magazine analyst Sascha Segan was Wednesday quoted as saying in the the Globe and Mail newspaper.
"On the go, you feel it's just as fast as at home," Segan was quoted as saying.
He said, "Gaming is going to be a great LTE experience. High-def streaming of movies on tablets. Think full-screen video conversations using a tablet or a big-screen phone."
But he said devices lag behind the technology at this stage.
"At first, we are going to see its advantages coming out for people who are using PCs with wireless networks," Segan was quoted as saying.
He said when Samsung comes out with its Craft LTE mobile phone, "It will definitely be at the head of the line for LTE phones. Nokia has a big role in LTE technology and you can bet they are building LTE phones."
He said he has no idea when Apple or RIM will introduce their smart phones for the new technology.
Canada's iconic telecom maker Nortel, which liquidated itself earlier this year to pay off its debtors, had a huge inventory of 4,000 patents related to this cutting-edge, next-generation wire technology.
The outgoing giant had hinted at selling these patents, and RIM and Nokia were among the companies which were eyeing these patents for LTE.

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