Monday, December 20, 2010

Twitter lacks 'clear long term vision'

London: Twitter, the microblogging website, currently lacks a clear long-term vision, new CEO has admitted.
Dick Costolo, formerly the chief operating officer of Twitter, took over as the company's chief executive officer last month.
"I am working on clarity around that at the moment. I am currently trying to define what Twitter''s purpose is in the long term. We will be able to be more specific on that answer in the near future," the Telegraph quoted Costolo, as saying when asked for his long term vision of the company''s purpose.
Jack Dorsey, Twitter''s co-founder and chairman, added that it was difficult to try and define Twitter''s function and purpose, as so many of its uses had been defined by its users over the past four years.
"It is hard to speak about Twitter''s vision without factoring in how much of its purpose has been defined by its users over the years. Users came up with so many parts of the service, such as the ''hashtag'' [which allows people to link to a subject or an event] as so many people use it in so many different ways.
"Twitter needs to continue being a good listener and recognise that the service has been redefined by lots of people, tweet by tweet, but also come up with its own priorities," he said.
His other areas of focus, as well as defining Twitter''s long-term game plan, are ensuring that the service can successfully scale globally, from a technological point of view and prioritising the key countries to expand within.

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